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出身中国 四川省
Electronic structure of functional materials: Heusler-type alloys and graphene nano-film
原著論文 3. M. Ye, A. Kimura, Y. Miura, M. Shirai, Y. T. Cui, K. Shimada, H. Namatame, M.Taniguchi, S. Ueda, K. Kobayashi, R. Kainuma, T. Shishido, K. Fukushima, and T. Kanomata

"Role of Electronic Structure in the Martensitic Phase Transition of Ni2Mn1+xSn1-x Studied by Hard-X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Ab Initio Calculation" Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 176401 (2010)

2. M. Ye, Y.T. Cui, Y. Nishimura, Y. Yamada, S. Qiao, A. Kimura, M. Nakatake, H. Namatame, and M. Taniguchi

"Edge states of epitaxially grown graphene on 4H-SiC(0001) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy" Euro. Phys. J. B 75, 31 (2010)

1. M. Ye, Y. T. Cui, S. Qiao, A. Kimura, M. Sawada, H. Namatame and M. Taniguchi

"Graphene Epitaxially Grown on Vicinal 4H-SiC(0001) Substrates" e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech. 7, 29 (2009)

8. 学会名:American Physical Society March Meeting 2011
題目1:Controlling the topological states of Bi2Se3 by silver atom intercalation
題目2:Electron interference in the 3D topological insulator Bi2Se3 probed by scanning tunneling microscope
場所:Dallas, Texas, USA. (2011.03)

7. 学会名:The 6th International Workshop on Nanoscale Spectroscopy and Nanotechnology (NSS-6)
題目:Quasi-particle interference on the topological surface induced by metallic nano-clusters
場所:Kobe, JAPAN. (2010.10)

6. 学会名:18th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-18)
題目:Interference of Dirac Electrons on the Surface of Topological Insulators
場所:Beijing, China. (2010.08)

5. 学会名:the 37th International conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray Physics (VUVX2010)
題目1:Role of Electronic Structure on Martensitic Phase Transition of Ni2Mn1+xSn1-x Studied by Hard X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Ab initio Calculation
題目2:Dirac Electrons on the Surface of Topological Insulators Studied by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
場所:UBC, Vancouver, Canada. (2010.07)

4. 学会名:11th International Conference on Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure (ICESS11)
題目:Edge states of epitaxially grown graphene on 4H-SiC(0001) studied by scanning tunneling spectroscopy
場所:Nara, Japan (2009.10)

3. 学会名:European Conference On Surface Science 26 (ECOSS 26)
題目:Substrate effect on the morphology and electronic structure of the epitaxially grown graphene
場所:Parma, Italy (2009.8)  Poster session

2. 学会名:International Symposium on Surface Science and Nanotechnology (ISSS-5)
題目:Graphene epitaxially grown on the step with unit-cell height of 4H-SiC(0001) substrate
場所:Waseda Univeisty, Japan (2008.11)  Oral session

1. 学会名:The 4th Vacuume and Surface Sciences Conference of Asia and Australia (VASSCAA-4)
場所:Matsue, Japan (2008.10)  Oral session

9.  学会名:文部科学省科学研究費補助金 特定領域研究 「スピン流の創出と制御」平成22年度研究会
題目:強磁性形状記憶合金 Ni2Mn1+xSn1-x の電子構造
場所:京都大学 おうばくプラザ (2010.6.24)  ポスター発表

8.  学会名:日本物理学会 第65回年次大会
題目:Substrate effect on the edge states of epitaxial graphenen grown on 4H-SiC(0001) studied by STM/STS
場所:岡山大学 津島キャンパス (2009.10)  口頭発表

7.  学会名:東京大学物性研究所短期研究会 -ディラック電子系の物性-
題目:Edge states of epitaxially grown graphene on 4H-SiC(0001) studied by scanning tunneling spectroscopy
場所:東京大学 (2009.10)  口頭発表

6.  学会名:日本物理学会 2009年秋季大会
題目:The electronic structures correlated with the martensitic transition in Ni2Mn1+xSn1-x
場所:熊本大学 (2009.9)  口頭発表

5.  学会名:日本物理学会 2009年年次大会
題目:The electronic structures correlated with the martensitic transition in Ni2Mn1+xSn1-x
場所:立教大学 (2009.3)  口頭発表

4.  学会名:日本物理学会 2008年秋季大会
題目:Electronic structures of Ni2-xCoxMnGa studied by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy
場所:岩手大学 (2008.9)  口頭発表

3.  学会名:日本物理学会 2008年秋季大会
題目:Synthesis and charaterization of graphene epitaxially grown on vicinal surface of SiC(0001) with scanning tunneling microscopy
場所:岩手大学 (2008.9)  ポスター発表

2.  学会名:日本物理学会 第63回年次大会
題目:Electronic structures of half-heusler alloys XPtSn (X=Ti, Zr, Hf) studied by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy
場所:近畿大学(大阪府) (2008.3)  ポスター発表

1.  学会名:日本物理学会 第62回年次大会
題目:Photoemission spectroscopy of XPtSn (X=Ti, Zr, Hf, Mn)
場所:北海道大学 (2007.9)  ポスター発表

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